BSides wouldn't be BSides without challenges!
Starting March 29th The BreachDay Clock will drop the first challenge for you to solve...
Do you think you have what it takes to hack your way through, learn somthing new and possibly win one of a number of excellent prizes?
Go forth, hack, and send us you writeup!
The BSidesLondon Team wants to thank all those who helped with the challenges and the fantastic prizes.
Immersive Labs has opened up their platform and created a first challenge. There are two BSides London 2018 tickets to win for the first or fastest participant to complete the challenge. Use the link and code shown below to get started.
To take the challenge use registration code BSIDESLDN18 and go to
Challenge Description
One of our favourite Overlords is a little narcissistic, and is planning on a late night spree of "KILL ALL HUMANS". Find your way to the inner sanctum, and retrieve the deactivation codes.
Access Details
Central Processor Unit Serial Number:
Please send your flag submissions or hint requests via to:
info at hackthebox dot eu.
We are pleased to present this challenge courtesy of the ever inventive Didier Stevens. If you have not already heard of him, you should take a few moments to check out his excellent blog, where you can find a dizzying array of analysis tools, tips, and tricks.
Look at the picture & look inside the picture.
Please send your answers to challenges2018 at with subject set to "Challenge 3 Solution". Bonus point for those who provide a breakdown of the solution.
Two tickets will be given away: 1st to send the right answer; Best breakdown with the right answer.