Please note this update was prepared before the UK Government's announcement on 2020.03.16.
In an effort to be as transparent as possible and remembering that BSidesLondon is a community event, the team would like to keep you informed about what is going on.
Planning is proceeding as usual while we actively monitor the situation as it evolves. We are currently following UK government recommendations and evaluating all options available including the potential of postponing the event.
As you would expect, we need to keep the safety of the community as an absolute priority.
If you have submitted a proposal for a talk or workshop the CFP, CFW, rookies or mentors teams will be in touch with you over the coming weeks. As dates may be impacted, the notice of acceptance for may be delayed.
We’re looking to update you with next steps by first week of April or earlier if needed.
Your continued support and patience is appreciated.